
的 library will be closed on Friday, March 15. 的 MHS will be closed on Saturday, March 16.


Important information for 2024-2025 Fellowship Cycle

的 MHS will accept fellowship applications for the 2024-2025 cycle. 然而, please note that the terms of awarded short-term fellowships may have temporary restrictions. 的 MHS reserves the right to offer entirely remote fellowships, to restrict research visits to appointment schedules or certain months, or any other such restrictions as are necessary during, 以及在2019冠状病毒病之后. We strongly encourage all short-term fellowship applicants to carefully review their application questions well in advance of the deadline and to reach out with any questions or concerns. Note that preference will still be given to the strongest applications. 的 additional information collected in the application regarding your ability to complete your project remotely or in person will help determine the terms each award during these unusual times.

NERFC awards will be granted as usual.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Assistant Director of 研究, Cassie Cloutier (ccloutier@techgyaani.com), with any additional questions or concerns. 也请参考我们的 常见问题解答.


的 马萨诸塞州历史学会 now offers multiple awards to scholars who need to use its library and archival collections. 的 research projects that the MHS supports through its fellowship programs produce cutting-edge historical scholarship. 除了, the MHS facilitates the visits of scholars in residence at the MHS through the support of other funding agencies. 奖项对所有申请者开放, including but not limited to graduate students, 资深学者, 兼职教师, and independent researchers (please note that long-term grants are only awarded to those already holding a PhD).

每年, in addition to more than 15 short-term fellowships, the Society helps to provide around 24 New England Regional Fellowship Consortium grants for projects that draw on the resources of 31 participating research and cultural institutions. Thanks to the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent agency of the U.S. government, there will be at least two long-term MHS-NEH fellowships.

在他们居住期间, MHS 研究 Fellows become part of a scholarly community that includes other current fellows, og体育平台卫生人员, 波士顿地区的学者, 还有以前的同事. 的y have the opportunity to present their own research, 参加研讨会, and join og体育平台卫生人员 and other fellows for weekly coffees.


MHS奖结束了 20 每年短期奖学金, each of which provides a stipend for four weeks of research at the Society. Several of these fellowships are for research in specific topics or collections. 大多数津贴是3000美元. Awards are open to advanced graduate students as well as scholars who have completed their professional training.

MHS short-term fellowships are only available to United States citizens or those with a J-1 or F-1 visa AND a U.S. 纳税人识别号码. 的 MHS cannot sponsor visas for researchers. 了解更多.


每年, the MHS and the Boston Athenaeum offer 一个 苏珊娜和凯勒·洛林奖学金 on the Civil War, 它的起源, 和后果, 有6美元的津贴吗,000. 的 recipient will conduct research for at least four weeks at each institution. 了解更多.

New England Regional Fellowship Consortium

This collaboration of 31 major cultural agencies, including the MHS, awards approximately 两打 fellowships annually, each of which carries a stipend of $5,000. Each recipient will conduct research for a total of at least eight weeks at three or more participating institutions. 了解更多.


至少是MHS奖 2 long-term MHS-NEH fellowships annually, for a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 12 months. 的 NEH stipend is $5,000 per month in 2024-2025. 的 MHS provides a supplement to assist with professional and housing expenses. Applicants must have completed their professional training and be U.S. citizens or foreign nationals who have lived in the United States for at least three years immediately preceding the application deadline. 了解更多.

出版物: Our Legacy of Scholarship

Since 1985, the MHS has awarded more than 960 fellowships. 的se research projects have resulted in more than 470 publications, including more than 160 books!

研究ers Funded by Other Agencies

的 MHS has been pleased to welcome researchers whose tenure has been underwritten by the National Historical 出版物 and Records Commission (NHPRC), 富布赖特奖学金计划, and Germany's Deutscher Akademischer Austasch Dienst (DAAD).


的 MHS continues to maintain professional relationships with, 将福利扩大到, 前同事. Many alumni choose to support the mission of the Society by returning to the MHS to deliver programs or serve on committees.

